5 Element Balance
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Length: Contains 10, 30 & 60 minutes versions
Sound Waves: Blending of All Waves, alternatively
- self Healing
- Intuitive ability
- Emotional balance
- Spiritual Growth
The Earth element is associated with the digestive organs and our proclivity to worry and obsess about our lives in Traditional Chinese Medicine. A well-balanced earth element is necessary for power and food obsession mastery.
For better balance, this track contains binaural beats with special frequencies. Theta waves have been linked to creative insight and meditation.
The 5 Element Balance Explained
The Metal element
It’s associated with the Lungs and Large Intestine in Traditional Chinese Medicine. When we are in balance with Metal, we can let go easily and are inspired by life. Those who have a Metal imbalance may become stuck in emotional ruts as a result of grief. contains Alpha wave binaural beats as well as nature sounds associated with a relaxed meditative state Listen with headphones for a life-changing experience.
The water element
It’s associated with the Kidneys in Traditional Chinese Medicine. When water is in balance, you have a stronger sense that your power, purpose, and potential are being realized. When the water in your body is out of balance, you may experience stress, fear, or anxiety. Delta wave binaural beats for a healing treatment enhanced with subliminal affirmations for stress, fear, and anxiety relief.
The Wood element
It’s associated with the Liver and Gallbladder in Traditional Chinese Medicine. When Wood is balanced, you have more patience, a wider perspective, and more creativity. Negativity, resentment, and past hurts must be released. The deep drone, harmonics, and Alpha waves beckon you to enter a relaxed yet alert state of meditation. Listen with headphones for a life-changing experience.
The fire element
It’s associated with the emotional heart in Traditional Chinese Medicine. When our emotional heart is out of balance, we may become stuck in habitual reactions, also known as neural grooves. You can correct the distortion by changing the tune, just like a scratch on a record. When the Fire element is balanced, you delve deeper and are connected to joy, compassion, and wisdom. You have a stronger sense of personal mastery. Love, understanding, and forgiveness are no longer difficult to achieve. This musical collection is gentle, calming, and expansive, creating an uplifting soundtrack for letting go and deeply relaxing. Listen with headphones for a life-changing experience.
The Space element
Moving from the emptiness of space, the stability of earth to the flow of water, the passion of fire, and the lightness of air, we arrive at the element that allows everything else to exist: space. Space is both nothing and everything at the same time. It is stillness, but it is the very thing that allows all movement and life to exist.
This is the first element. It lacks the firmness of the earth, the coolness of the water, the heat of the fire, and even the movement of the wind. As a result, it is the very definition of 'emptiness.' The space element is the most nuanced of all. We can recognize the space element within our bodies literally anywhere there is space;
Alchemists in the middle Ages were fascinated by the space element, believing it could turn lead into gold and even extend life. They referred to space as 'quintessence,' a term that is also used to describe 'heavenly bodies,' such as stars and galaxies. Space was regarded by the ancient Greeks as a god-like element and a substance that allowed humans to connect with spirituality and intuition. The element of potentiality, according to ancient yogis, was ether, which was unbound and all-pervasive.
So, how can we recognize and connect to the space element in our yoga practice and modern lives, especially when we can't see or feel it?
How to Balance your 5 Elements
There’s only one way to balance all your elements, and that is by increasing your vibration or energy. This Cosmic healing attunement is achieved with both delta and theta waves.
You are a dynamic energy field. Your body is made up of energy-producing particles that are constantly moving. As a result, you, like everything and everyone else in the universe, are vibrating and producing energy.
Different molecules vibrate at different rates, and those rates can change depending on the conditions around the molecules.
The field of vibrational medicine, also known as energy medicine trusted Source, seeks to optimize your health by utilizing the vibrational energy generated by and around your body.
Many people may associate energy fields in the body with spiritual rather than medicinal purposes.
More research is needed to understand how electrical and magnetic energy stimulates chemical processes in the body. However, there is mounting evidence that these energies can be channeled to influence your health outcomes.
Vibrations function as a type of rhythm. Seasonal changes and tidal patterns are examples of large-scale rhythms. They also take place within your body.
We can see, feel, and measure physiological rhythms such as heartbeats, breathing rates, and circadian rhythms.
However, much smaller vibrations are also present in your body. Molecules vibrate at different rates inside each of your cells. These vibrations cause electromagnetic energy waves to be produced.
What is the relationship between thoughts, actions, and vibrations?
For a long time, scientists have known that your thoughts and behaviors influence your body's rhythms.
Anxious thoughts, for example, cause the release of stress hormones, which cause your heart rate to increase or decrease. Music's sound vibrations, too, have an effect on thoughts, emotions, and body systems. By changing our thoughts, behaviors, and even our surroundings, we can speed up or slow down the vibrations that occur at the cellular and atomic levels.
It is believed that altering those nanovibrations will have an impact on our mental and physical health.
According to vibrational energy experts, certain emotions and thought patterns, such as joy, peace, and acceptance, produce high-frequency vibrations, whereas other feelings and mindsets (such as anger, despair, and fear) produce low-frequency vibrations.
However, there is a substantial body of evidence linking positive emotions and thought patterns to improved health and goal achievement. Vibrations of various types — electromagnetic, sound, and light — can be used to promote healing and growth in the body.
The vibrations occurring at the molecular level in your body may be insignificant, but they may have a seismic effect on your health.
Energy medicine is becoming more popular. If you want to learn more about how energy and vibration affect your health, contact an integrative medicine specialist in your area.
Many of the techniques associated with vibrational energy therapy have been scientifically proven to have health benefits.
Deep breathing, yoga, and meditation can all help to raise your vibrational energy. Interacting with nature, eating a healthy diet, cultivating healthy relationships, and practicing gratitude and generosity can all be beneficial.
The benefit of 5 Element Balance
A growing body of research suggests that your mind and body are inextricably linked. You may be able to change the vibrations of your body to:
- alter your state of mind
- enhance your physical health
- assist you in achieving your goals and intentions
- to connect to the qualities of space and create more space and clarity in your life.
A minimum of 10 minutes is recommended per listening session. For busy people, You can purchase the 10 minutes versions. Regular listening and meditation: 30 minutes is recommended. For sleeping or background purposes: Use 60 minutes.
You can also play music offline by downloading it or listening to it online in our playlist.
The program is adaptable, and you can listen to any of the variants at any time of day.
You can listen whenever you're feeling overwhelmed by negative or unpleasant ideas.
You have the option of listening with or without headphones.
Although listening with headphones is recommended.
Please keep in mind that the binaural beats will only work with headphones.
As a result, you will only benefit from peaceful music if you listen without headphones.
When listening without headphones, make sure you're within a meter and a half of the speakers.
Product FAQ
We recommend a start listening of 2 sessions per day like one in the morning and in the night or afternoon.
first, choose your desired goal and make daily routing for listening to appropriate music based on your need.
you can select like as select exercise stimulus in the morning routine, power nap in the noon, and relaxation magnifier in the evening. that's the way you can make a schedule.
once you get the desired result, you can change the track depending on the next desired goal.
well, it is a good idea to stick one music track up to 2 to 3 weeks still find gradual change in your behavior patterns or thinking.
we provide our music track in .mp3 format, at 320kbps. This is very high-quality in.mp3 format.it is more effective brainwave entrainment and you will get a better listening experience.
yes, definitely you can listen to a preview having 1 minute of all meditation music tracks in individual music contains in the store.
our music track contains calming meditative music. music that not only gives you a pleasurable experience but technically it altered your state of consciousness and brain waves. you can listen to our sample music from the store to the product page and you will find 1- minute music, just check and play at top of the page.
we have a wide variety of different meditation bundles but instead, you can make your bundle too.
yes, you can make your own bundle by adding 9 music tracks related to your choice and a discount will be applied.
yes, binaural beats music is used by millions of people over the world. there have been ample studies observed using binaural beats technology and brainwave entrainment and no report found as side effects. but we advise you to consult a physician before using our music track if you have any chronic disease.
Of Course, Click here to visit THE SCIENCE BEHIND page for details part of brainwave entrainment and its science.
please click here, STEP TO DOWNLOAD, to read about downloading your meditation music on your android/iPhone/laptop/computer/MacBook/tablet or any device.
Yes, you can listen to your desired meditation track online on the website on our playlist. you will get details on My account after purchasing our meditation track.