Mind Power Mega Bundle
$ 88.4Length: Contains 10, 30 & 60 minutes versions
Track: 07
Sound Waves: Contain Frequencies according to the Mind Power Bundle pack.
- Improved Focus
- Better Mind Control
- Increase Happiness quotient
- Regulate Mood
- Boost Creativity
Preview Track
Confidence Booster
Creativity Nourishment
Emotion Equalizer
Fear-Phobia Buster
Memory Activation
Super Focus
Stress Relief
This bundle contains frequencies, which can help you with brainstorming, recalling memories, remembering dreams, intuitive imagination, and the planning process. Music can help you with brainstorming, recalling memories, remembering dreams, intuitive imagination, and the planning process.
Confidence Booster
Our Confidence booster complementary therapy track can help you overcome the self-limiting patterns that cause you to lack confidence and self-worth in social circumstances.
The Confidence booster track is created to retrain your subconscious mind with fresh perspectives that will boost your self-confidence and self-worth while reducing your self-doubt. It combines the best of sound therapy.
Creativity Nourishment
Ever experienced those frustrating moments when it looks like your well of ideas has run dry? Those moments when you cannot even produce an original plan if your life depended on it?
I'm sure those moments suck and you'd give anything not to be in that position again.
Well... I come bearing good news.
With our Creativity Nourishment track, you can say goodbye to your lack of creativity and start enjoying all the wonderful benefits that come with having a yummy imagination.
This audio contains theta frequencies, which can help you with brainstorming, recalling memories, remembering dreams, intuitive imagination, and the planning process.
The Creativity nourishment track contains an 8 Hz theta frequency, which is best for increasing your creativity, imagination, and visualization
Emotion Equalizer
Do you have a hard time keeping your emotions under check? Do you suffer from abrupt mood swings that you can't control?
Don't be alarmed. You're not alone. Statistics show that about 1 in every 4 adults suffer mood disorders.
It's natural for someone's mood to shift based on the circumstances. Symptoms of a mood disorder, on the other hand, must be present for several weeks or more to be diagnosed. Mood problems can change your behavior and decrease your ability to cope with everyday tasks such as school or work.
Emotional balance is a state of being mentally aware of our emotions and the ability to manage them in a way that is gentle, honest, and wise. Emotional balance comes from having emotional intelligence combined with a trained mind that's able to notice and respond to emotions when they arise.
Here's the GOOD NEWS!
Our Emotion Equalizer track will help you balance your emotions and avoid unnecessary mood swings and depression. It incorporates the use of alpha waves frequency to train your mind.
Fear-Phobia Buster
Fear Phobia buster is specially designed to remove hidden problems in your life. The track aids in the reduction of anxiety, phobia, and negative thoughts.
Fear Phobia Buster will also assist you in achieving personal awareness and empower you to reach your objectives in the most direct manner possible. Our complementary therapy program instills a sense of serenity, peace, and equilibrium in you.
Fear Phobia Buster was created utilizing binaural beats and can be used as the ultimate relaxation tool. It also helps to release habitual negative beliefs and thoughts.
This will be extremely helpful to individuals who suffer from anxiety and fear. Anxiety causes people to have persistent negative thoughts, which can be unhealthy. Fear instills a state of restlessness in a person.
If this is you, do you have the opportunity to change your story today?
Memory Activation
Ever forgotten about your daughter's birthday? Forgot where you kept your car keys? Can't remember your grocery list? Can't recall the name of the gym's favorite personal trainer? Are you having trouble remembering what you want to say?
You're not the only one who feels this way. Everyone forgets things from time to time. Memory loss, on the other hand, is not something to be taken lightly.
Our memory activation track uses binaural beats music patterns with tones & frequencies that will enhance your cognitive functioning, learning, memory, and information processing. To recollect easily, get the grades you want, and activate your brain to its full potential, this track is recommended.
Memory activation is ideal for people who have trouble remembering things, as well as students who are studying for exams and tests. It uses brainwave technology to improve your memory.
Memory activation employs the use of alpha and gamma waves binaural beats technology to activate your brain to your fullest memory potential.
Super Focus
Our super focus track uses brainwave technology to improve your concentration of attention. Super Focus can be used as Study Music for Focus and Concentration. It aids in the development of creativity, gaming skills, and problem-solving abilities.
So, if have a need to improve your creativity or focus, then this track is definitely for you.
Super focus makes use of binaural beats technology to train your brain to achieve a focused state
Stress Relief
You experience stress every time you’re under emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. Stress is your body's reaction to a challenge or demand.
Our stress relief package has been created to help you eliminate stress in your everyday life and start living a life of relaxation.
A minimum of 10 minutes is recommended per listening session. For busy people, You can purchase the 10 minutes versions. Regular listening and meditation: 30 minutes is recommended. For sleeping or background purposes: Use 60 minutes.
You can also play music offline by downloading it or listening to it online in our playlist.
The program is adaptable, and you can listen to any of the variants at any time of day.
You can listen whenever you're feeling overwhelmed by negative or unpleasant ideas.
You have the option of listening with or without headphones.
Although listening with headphones is recommended.
Please keep in mind that the binaural beats will only work with headphones.
As a result, you will only benefit from peaceful music if you listen without headphones.
When listening without headphones, make sure you're within a meter and a half of the speakers.
Product FAQ
We recommend a start listening of 2 sessions per day like one in the morning and in the night or afternoon.
first, choose your desired goal and make daily routing for listening to appropriate music based on your need.
you can select like as select exercise stimulus in the morning routine, power nap in the noon, and relaxation magnifier in the evening. that's the way you can make a schedule.
once you get the desired result, you can change the track depending on the next desired goal.
well, it is a good idea to stick one music track up to 2 to 3 weeks still find gradual change in your behavior patterns or thinking.
we provide our music track in .mp3 format, at 320kbps. This is very high-quality in.mp3 format.it is more effective brainwave entrainment and you will get a better listening experience.
yes, definitely you can listen to a preview having 1 minute of all meditation music tracks in individual music contains in the store.
our music track contains calming meditative music. music that not only gives you a pleasurable experience but technically it altered your state of consciousness and brain waves. you can listen to our sample music from the store to the product page and you will find 1- minute music, just check and play at top of the page.
we have a wide variety of different meditation bundles but instead, you can make your bundle too.
yes, you can make your own bundle by adding 9 music tracks related to your choice and a discount will be applied.
yes, binaural beats music is used by millions of people over the world. there have been ample studies observed using binaural beats technology and brainwave entrainment and no report found as side effects. but we advise you to consult a physician before using our music track if you have any chronic disease.
Of Course, Click here to visit THE SCIENCE BEHIND page for details part of brainwave entrainment and its science.
please click here, STEP TO DOWNLOAD, to read about downloading your meditation music on your android/iPhone/laptop/computer/MacBook/tablet or any device.
Yes, you can listen to your desired meditation track online on the website on our playlist. you will get details on My account after purchasing our meditation track.