Exercise Stimulus
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Length: Contains 10, 30 & 60 minutes versions
Sound Waves: Alpha Waves
- Maintain Heart Health
- Release Positive Hormone
- Become More Alert
- Ruduce Negative Emotions
You're probably aware of the numerous health benefits that exercise provides. You're probably familiar with the incredible sensation you receive after completing a workout, a run, or a swim.
So, why isn't this enough to convince you to put on your sneakers and get moving?
Because you're torn between exercising and taking the easiest route. It's far easier to manufacture an excuse and sit in front of the television than it is to go for a run or lift some weights. It isn't, however, healthier for your health!
Our Exercise STIMULUS track can assist you in overcoming the excuses and mental hurdles that are preventing you from establishing a healthy and consistent exercise routine.
Need for Exercise
Research shows that physical activity can also boost self-esteem, mood, sleep quality, and energy, as well as reduce your risk of stress, depression, dementia, and Alzheimer's disease.
Regular listening can help you develop a strong workout habit and begin to reap the emotional and physical advantages of exercise!
• Do you ever find yourself making excuses for not working out?
• Do you find it difficult to stick to a new fitness routine once you get started?
• Would you like to incorporate fitness into your everyday routine?
Exercise is without a doubt incredibly good for our health.
People who exercise regularly, according to the NHS, have a lower risk of getting a variety of long-term (chronic) diseases, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and several malignancies.
Humans were created to move around and exercise. So, why aren't we doing it more frequently?
To begin with, we tend to follow the path of least resistance; we do what is most convenient.
We no longer need to hunt and constantly flee from danger in modern life. So, if we can sit and relax, why do we need to exercise?
The issue is that modern living has resulted in a sedentary lifestyle that contradicts our evolutionary code, resulting in ill health.
The second reason is that we are creatures of habit.
If you haven't been exercising for a while, getting into the habit can be difficult - especially if you're dealing with body image issues or lack confidence when it comes to sports and physical activity.
Those who exercise regularly, on the other hand, will argue that they can't live without it. They miss it when they don't work out. They are actually more tired, unmotivated, uninspired, and uncreative, as well as more agitated and anxious.
This is due to the fact that exercise has a significant impact on both our physical and mental wellbeing.
Indeed, as the principal author of the largest study on the link between physical activity and mental health, Dr. Adam Chekroud, points out:
There is significant evidence that there is a link between physical activity and mental health. There appear to be some sweet spots, and the relationship is most likely complicated. However, even simple activities such as walking or doing household tasks appear to be beneficial.
How the Exercise Stimulus Track Works
Conscious negative associations are What keeps most people who wish to exercise from doing so is a lack of motivation.
We are, in fact, unintentionally preventing ourselves from exercising. And it's for this reason that we find any excuse not to exercise, preferring to focus on pursuits that aren't nearly as beneficial to our health or well-being.
However, when you think about it, 30 minutes of daily exercise is a little undertaking, especially when you consider how long it can take to drive to the shop and pick up a few groceries!
The key to establishing a healthy daily exercise habit is to overcome these mental roadblocks and cultivate the mindset of someone who exercises frequently and reaps the advantages.
And that's where our Meditation for Exercise Motivation might help.
where they begin to change the negative associations with exercise when played again through headphones or speakers.
The positive affirmations will override those typical thoughts that prevent you from exercising: thoughts like “I can't be bothered”, “I don't like exercise”, “I'll go for a run tomorrow instead”.
With regular listening, your conscious mind will align with the messages received from the subconscious mind, and your behavior will change in the following 6 ways:
- An increased drive to push past the mental resistance of laziness. Feel inspired to move and exercise.
- A drastic reduction in procrastination as you look forward to exercising each day.
- A positive, motivating mindset is enjoyed by those who exercise regularly.
- See the gym/running/walking as a positive experience that makes you happier and healthier.
- No more fighting a battle with the thought of exercise. Just get it done!
- Reap the mental and physical health benefits of making exercise part of your daily routine.
Binaural Beats & Music Tuning
The music contains Alpha binaural beat frequencies (at 12 Hertz and 10 Hertz).
Alpha is known as “the flow state”: an optimal state of consciousness where we feel our best and perform at our best, where every thought and action unfolds effortlessly and we become one with “the self”. The frequencies in this range are associated with motivation and inspiration.
The music in the composition is tuned to 528 Hz, a frequency on the ancient Solfeggio scale. This popular frequency is said to promote an increase in energy, clarity of mind, and awareness, and to activate the intention and intuition required to operate at your highest and best purpose.
Alpha binaural beats frequencies and music tuning combine to create a powerful music therapy that will boost your level of motivation to exercise on a daily basis.
Benefits of this track
- Assist you in maintaining a healthy weight.
- Help your body control blood sugar and insulin levels to lower your risk of heart diseases
- Enhance your mental well-being and mood.
- As you become older, it's important to maintain your thinking, learning, and judgment abilities fresh.
- Improve your memory and cognitive abilities (all age groups).
- Defend against a variety of chronic diseases.
- Improve your heart health and lower your blood pressure.
- Boost the quality of your sleep.
- Fight weariness caused by cancer.
- Protects you from heart disease and stroke.
- Reduces Type 2 Diabetes Risk
- Strengthens Muscles And Bones
- Treatment For Depression And Anxiety.
- Cancer Risk Is Reduced
- Exercise Stimulus improves mood, increases energy, improves sleep, and revitalizes sex life.
ORDER Now !!!
A minimum of 10 minutes is recommended per listening session. For busy people, You can purchase the 10 minutes versions. Regular listening and meditation: 30 minutes is recommended. For sleeping or background purposes: Use 60 minutes.
You can also play music offline by downloading it or listening to it online in our playlist.
The program is adaptable, and you can listen to any of the variants at any time of day.
You can listen whenever you're feeling overwhelmed by negative or unpleasant ideas.
You have the option of listening with or without headphones.
Although listening with headphones is recommended.
Please keep in mind that the binaural beats will only work with headphones.
As a result, you will only benefit from peaceful music if you listen without headphones.
When listening without headphones, make sure you're within a meter and a half of the speakers.
Product FAQ
We recommend a start listening of 2 sessions per day like one in the morning and in the night or afternoon.
first, choose your desired goal and make daily routing for listening to appropriate music based on your need.
you can select like as select exercise stimulus in the morning routine, power nap in the noon, and relaxation magnifier in the evening. that's the way you can make a schedule.
once you get the desired result, you can change the track depending on the next desired goal.
well, it is a good idea to stick one music track up to 2 to 3 weeks still find gradual change in your behavior patterns or thinking.
we provide our music track in .mp3 format, at 320kbps. This is very high-quality in.mp3 format.it is more effective brainwave entrainment and you will get a better listening experience.
yes, definitely you can listen to a preview having 1 minute of all meditation music tracks in individual music contains in the store.
our music track contains calming meditative music. music that not only gives you a pleasurable experience but technically it altered your state of consciousness and brain waves. you can listen to our sample music from the store to the product page and you will find 1- minute music, just check and play at top of the page.
we have a wide variety of different meditation bundles but instead, you can make your bundle too.
yes, you can make your own bundle by adding 9 music tracks related to your choice and a discount will be applied.
yes, binaural beats music is used by millions of people over the world. there have been ample studies observed using binaural beats technology and brainwave entrainment and no report found as side effects. but we advise you to consult a physician before using our music track if you have any chronic disease.
Of Course, Click here to visit THE SCIENCE BEHIND page for details part of brainwave entrainment and its science.
please click here, STEP TO DOWNLOAD, to read about downloading your meditation music on your android/iPhone/laptop/computer/MacBook/tablet or any device.
Yes, you can listen to your desired meditation track online on the website on our playlist. you will get details on My account after purchasing our meditation track.