Procrastination Terminator
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Length: Contains 10, 30 & 60 minutes versions
Sound Waves: Theta Waves
- Improve Performance & Productivity
- Regulate Mood
- Emotional balance
- Higher Self Esteem
“Procrastination is the bad habit of putting off until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday.”
— Napoleon Hill
Do you spend more time thinking about getting things done than taking action? Do you imagine doing great things in life but seldom get around to starting? Do you have a habit of putting challenging tasks at the back of your to-do queue?
Procrastination has the potential to become a bad habit. You become less productive while also being more stressed about what you aren't accomplishing. As you become burdened by ideas of things you need to accomplish and should have already done, you may become worried and demotivated.
Our Procrastination Terminator complementary therapy can help you develop a "can do, will do" mindset that motivates you to get on with what you need to do when you need to do it, by combining to brainwave music therapy.
Don't postpone what you can do today till tomorrow. It's time to put an end to procrastination and let nothing stop you!
The act of delaying or postponing anything is known as procrastination. We all do it, but it can turn into a dangerous habit that creates a mental barrier and begins to control your life.
When you develop a procrastination habit, it becomes simpler to avoid taking action and completing the work becomes nearly impossible.
Instead, you think about it and visualize yourself performing it. You may even think how much fun it would be to do it or the benefits of finishing it, but you still refuse to do it.
Instead, you prioritize easy jobs, such as those that can be completed quickly and with little effort, or those that provide an immediate reward.
You may not understand why you delay on some chores but not others, but we postpone on tasks that need more effort and dedication, or that may make us feel uncomfortable for a short period of time.
Consider putting on your running shoes and going for a run for the first time in a long time.
In your thoughts, you know it will require some work, and the sweating and panting you will have to endure will be unpleasant. But you also realize that you must get started and that it will be extremely beneficial. You know that once you get started, you'll feel a sense of accomplishment, and you'll reap the benefits if you run frequently.
But you're just not going to do it right now, and putting it to the back of the queue means you can put I out of your mind, for now at least.
But then you'll find any reason to put it off: maybe you're feeling a little weary, maybe it's raining outside, maybe it's too late and you have an early start the next day, maybe you decide that seeing a friend or going shopping is a more important thing to do right now.
Procrastination is a behavior in which some chores and projects are always pushed to the back of the line.
You convince yourself that you're going to do it, that you're going to do it. You may even tell others, such as your friends and family, that you intend to do it, and you may become angry with anyone who doubts your motives.
It's easy to become caught up in a loop of habitual procrastination, and it can become a way of life that determines how successful you are in both your professional and personal life.
Procrastination, rather than providing comfort in doing less and avoiding a problem, can generate worry and anxiety since your to-do list grows in your mind and the prospect of everything you have to do becomes overwhelming.
It's not a huge issue to put off anything every now and then when you don't feel like it; it's quite normal. However, if you find yourself procrastinating on critical tasks on a daily basis and it is negatively impacting your life, you must confront the procrastination.
Procrastination has the ability to take control and create a mental barrier that prevents us from taking action. It gets ingrained in your thoughts, a habit that is difficult to stop. It may have a negative impact on your health and well-being.
The good news is that our Procrastination termination track can assist you in breaking this habit, reconditioning your mind, and taking control of your life!
How the Procrastination Meditation Works:
Subliminal affirmations are used in the Procrastination Meditation. These are positive statements recorded at a decibel level below that of human hearing.
These signals reach your subconscious mind through headphones or speakers, where the hard-wired ideas that form your habits and behaviors are stored.
These music will remap your subconscious mind, replacing negative thoughts and habits with good ones, if you listen to them on a daily basis. As a result, you'll notice a shift in how you think and act.
The conscious mind is unaware of the power in music because it cannot hear them, therefore it cannot debate, judge, or block them as we normally do with audible messages. Rather, the messages are delivered directly to your subconscious mind.
When you listen to calming music, your conscious mind relaxes into a state of heightened receptivity, allowing positive affirmations to flow into your subconscious mind unhindered by the self-limiting ideas that govern your daily activities.
Positive affirmations will overcome those procrastination barriers that we all face from time to time: "This will take a long time." "I'm not qualified to accomplish this." "It's possible I won't be able to do it." "It'll pain me/make me tired." "I'll take care of it tomorrow."
Consider what all of the above statements have in common. They're all tied to dread and self-doubt.
Your conscious mind will align with the messages received from the subconscious with regular listening:
- Develop a stronger feeling of purpose and drive
- Feel more in control of yourself and your decisions
- Stop fighting with yourself over getting things done
- Begin grabbing the current moment and cultivate a habit of action.
Music Tuning & Binaural Beats
Theta waves are used in the Procrastination Meditation to put your mind in a profound state of receptivity, allowing the subliminal affirmations to permeate your subconscious mind more effectively.
Theta is commonly referred to as the meditation state, and some of the documented advantages of meditation include improved mental clarity, focus, and productivity.
7 Hertz is the key frequency used in the Procrastination Meditation (Theta). Inner guidance, creative imagery, memory stimulation, and productivity are all connected with this frequency and are helpful in overcoming the mental barrier of procrastination. This frequency is linked to problem-solving and solution-finding. This, too, helps to achieve the ultimate goal of minimizing procrastination and instilling a "can do, will do" attitude.
The soundtrack has a natural feel to it, with ocean waves crashing on the shore. This sound design was chosen because studies have shown that listening to natural sounds like as sea waves or a water stream can increase mood, productivity, and attention.
Featured Affirmations
- I make good use of my time.
- I grasp the opportunity
- I operate with intention and emphasis.
- I can't wait to get started.
- I appreciate completing tasks.
- I feel better the more I accomplish.
- I am a catalyst for change.
- I am a decisive person.
- I act as quickly as it is necessary.
- I follow through on things until they are completed.
- I'm motivated by momentum.
- I am an extremely productive person.
- I always follow through on what I say I'm going to do.
- I am confident in my actions.
15. I am dedicated to completing what I begin.
Stop procrastination Today. ORDER this track.
A minimum of 10 minutes is recommended per listening session. For busy people, You can purchase the 10 minutes versions. Regular listening and meditation: 30 minutes is recommended. For sleeping or background purposes: Use 60 minutes.
You can also play music offline by downloading it or listening to it online in our playlist.
The program is adaptable, and you can listen to any of the variants at any time of day.
You can listen whenever you're feeling overwhelmed by negative or unpleasant ideas.
You have the option of listening with or without headphones.
Although listening with headphones is recommended.
Please keep in mind that the binaural beats will only work with headphones.
As a result, you will only benefit from peaceful music if you listen without headphones.
When listening without headphones, make sure you're within a meter and a half of the speakers.
Product FAQ
We recommend a start listening of 2 sessions per day like one in the morning and in the night or afternoon.
first, choose your desired goal and make daily routing for listening to appropriate music based on your need.
you can select like as select exercise stimulus in the morning routine, power nap in the noon, and relaxation magnifier in the evening. that's the way you can make a schedule.
once you get the desired result, you can change the track depending on the next desired goal.
well, it is a good idea to stick one music track up to 2 to 3 weeks still find gradual change in your behavior patterns or thinking.
we provide our music track in .mp3 format, at 320kbps. This is very high-quality in.mp3 format.it is more effective brainwave entrainment and you will get a better listening experience.
yes, definitely you can listen to a preview having 1 minute of all meditation music tracks in individual music contains in the store.
our music track contains calming meditative music. music that not only gives you a pleasurable experience but technically it altered your state of consciousness and brain waves. you can listen to our sample music from the store to the product page and you will find 1- minute music, just check and play at top of the page.
we have a wide variety of different meditation bundles but instead, you can make your bundle too.
yes, you can make your own bundle by adding 9 music tracks related to your choice and a discount will be applied.
yes, binaural beats music is used by millions of people over the world. there have been ample studies observed using binaural beats technology and brainwave entrainment and no report found as side effects. but we advise you to consult a physician before using our music track if you have any chronic disease.
Of Course, Click here to visit THE SCIENCE BEHIND page for details part of brainwave entrainment and its science.
please click here, STEP TO DOWNLOAD, to read about downloading your meditation music on your android/iPhone/laptop/computer/MacBook/tablet or any device.
Yes, you can listen to your desired meditation track online on the website on our playlist. you will get details on My account after purchasing our meditation track.